ActivLife has everything you need to lose weight sustainably

Two happy beautiful asian girls, watching workout routines on their laptops.
Achievable and sustainable results

ActivLife is powered by ActivEdge's proprietary algorithm that is smart and dynamic — you are never locked into a fixed period or number of sessions and can achieve your weight goals at your own pace without compromise or penalty.

A muslim girl wearing her hijab, and smiling as she watches workout routines from her apple laptop
Fit Asian man smiling and flexing his muscles.
Easy to start
Asian girl watching workout videos from her television, and following along with hip exercises.
Three Asian women, all smiling with hands akimbo, after a fulfilling outdoor workout.

Sign up to ActivLife — it's free!

After signing up, get started by answering a few questions to help our algorithm establish your current level of fitness.

Try ActivLife

Dynamic intensity that suits your fitness

Throughout your journey, you are never alone — ActivLife's algorithms dynamically adjusts the intensity of your workouts.

The algorithm assign points to workouts based on complexity, intensity and duration — the higher the points, the more challenging the workout is.

And it will never be unachievable — ActivLife's workout algorithm refreshes every week and automatically assigns the most appropriate workouts to you, based on the difficulty of workouts you have completed.

Asian girl watching workout routines from her laptop, as she follows along with push ups
The higher the points, the more challenging the workout is.
Beautiful Asian girl watching workout videos from her laptop.
A group of happy asian girls jogging on the spot and having fun.
Did you know?
  • Making exercise a lifestyle habit is essential for sustainable weight loss — and it can be as fast as 2 months through ActivLife.

  • It took us over 12 months to develop the first iteration, and more than 1,000 workout completions were used to ensure that it is consistent and accurate.

  • ActivLife and all supplementary programs on ActivEdge are free — for life!

  • When you sign up for any supplementary program, ActivLife automatically comes in as your base weight management program.

  • Expect an exciting weight management experience with specially curated supplementary programs from fitness & nutrition, beauty & wellness, and women's lifestyle guest contributors.

For beginners looking to lose weight, ActivLife is the ideal program to start with

It's like having your own Personal Trainer without the time and financial commitments.

Try ActivLife — It's free forever!
A group of girls sitting with legs wrapped in a yoga exercise.
ActivLife is free to sign up — forever!
Two happy beautiful asian girls, watching workout routines on their laptops.
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What you can expect from ActivLife

A group of girls sitting with legs wrapped in a yoga exercise.

Ease of incorporating into day-to-day living.

  • Our workouts are mostly between 15 to 20 minutes.
  • There is no need for expensive equipment.
  • Exercise in the privacy and convenience of home.
Two happy asian girls performing cardio exercises.
Learn more about the benefits

Workouts that truly work

  • Your weekly workout list includes some resistance training to build muscles.
  • As your muscles grow, your body becomes more efficient at burning fat.
  • Resistance training also prevents metabolic slowdown that can occur with extreme calorie restriction.
  • Additionally, a toned physique resulting from resistance training can enhance your overall body composition, even if the scale doesn't show dramatic weight loss.
  • Gradual, steady progress is key — avoiding extreme diets or quick fixes.
A smiling asian girl, performing press exercises as she watches from her PC.

On-demand Digital Personal Trainer.

  • ActivLife uses complex algorithms to determine a suitable level of workout intensity.
  • We reduce the risks of injury without compromising results — avoid random online workouts when using ActivLife.
  • You don’t have to exercise daily if your schedule does not allow it — research shows that missing a workout or two doesn't have a major impact.